Fire Rated Shutters
Simple GTA Shutters – Fire Resistant or Fire Rated Shutters are used in homes and businesses alike. They are usually required to meet provincial or Ontario Building Code in order to pass an inspection. The common scenario where a fire shutter is required is when a new build or renovation has windows close to the neighbors property in order to limit the spread of any fire from one building to the next. Furnished materials shall include all curtains, bottom bars, guides, brackets, hoods, operating mechanisms and any special features. This does not include design of, material for, and preparation of door openings and not limited to structural or miscellaneous iron work, metal or wood trim, access panels, finish painting, electrical wiring, conduit and disconnect switches. All Simple GTA Shutters – SGS Fire Resistant Shutters for Roller or Roll Up Counters or Roller Shutter Doors are custom made and built in accordance with contractor requirements and usually bear a [3/4, 1-1/2 hour] or [3/4 hour] rating label.
This simply means SGS Fire Rated Shutters can hold up for 45 minutes, 1.5 hours, 3 hours, or 4 hours as required by applicable ontario building code or building inspector.
Why Choose Simple GTA Shutters in Toronto?
- We work for you
- We educate you on all options
- We itemize our products and services
- We are committed and get the job done
- We are competitive and flexible
- We always clean up after ourselves
- We ship Canada wide
Typical Applications for Fire Rated Shutters
- Basement windows
- Ground and Upper Level windows
- Counters in Schools, Churches or Businesses
What Are Fire Shutters?
Sometimes referred to as Fire Rated Shutters. As you know, every building, residential or commercial, has smoke detectors and fire alarms in multiple places. Condos also have sprinkler systems that extend within each unit. Likewise, a fire shutter is a fire safety feature that has applications in commercial and some residential buildings. This is an extension of a wider strategy to develop more efficient ways to reduce the risk of fires. In other words, SGS Fire Shutters stop fires from spreading for a certain amount of time after they start.
The purpose is to allow people to escape the building and stop or slow the spread of fire until emergency services can arrive. SGS Fire Shutters only goes into action by moving into place when required.
SGS Fire Shutters might be connected to and triggered by the fire alarm, or have a built-in smoke or heat detector. Some may have both. And, some types will roll down under their own weight, and others will have mechanics that close the door using a quick motorized system. Additionally, certain motorized SGS Fire Shutter systems are designed to close downwards only to a certain point and act as a smoke barrier so people can still escape underneath the opening at the bottom. The purpose of SGS Fire Shutters is to:
Limit the damage a fire can do;
Stop it from spreading;
Prevent loss of life through compartmentalization.
Everything about fire shutters thus far is with the understanding that a property owner has concerns about fire safety and chooses to install them as a preventative measure. However, there may be other reasons to install one. In some cases, owners and builders are made to install fire shutters. This might come as part of the agreement for architectural plan approval and the granting of permits. The Ontario building code has mandatory setbacks and distances. Specifically, there is code for how much distance should be between a neighbouring structure or opening and another structure or window and door opening. Walking around Toronto for example, you might see many newly built houses on narrow lots with no window openings on the sides. The reason is that the house is too close to the neighbour for the city to allow the new building to have openings there. But in some cases, the committee of adjustment will grant permission for a window and shutter combination. For example, if the distance between property walls is close to meeting the setback, the installation of a fire shutter might present as a safety precaution.
Installation of SGS Fire Shutters
In either case, proper installation is a must, to ensure that the shutters operate correctly in any fire situation. This includes power outages. If they fail to operate correctly or at all, they could inadvertently help the fire to spread or trap people on the wrong side. This is where Simple GTA Shutters – SGS Fire Shutters come into play, from advising you on the right product for the situation and all the safety features built into the device to its installation and service agreements.
Hopefully, you will never in your life have to see a fire shutter in action. Unless, you’re seeing it is a display of how it works. If you notice one on the outside of a house or condo building, you now know what it is and why it is there.